Check out our full range of tattoo aftercare + protection products! Available for purchase in the studio.

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Raven’s Head Tattoo
Aftercare Instructions

Congratulations on your new tattoo! Here are some tips on how to care for it!


·         Remove our breathable clear bandage after 4 days

·         Gently wash area with fragrance free soap (PurSan Skin Cleanser, blue-label Spectro-Gel)

·         Pat tattoo dry with a clean towel or soft paper towel. Do not rub vigorously. Use a clean towel each time.

·         After 1 day apply a thin layer of unscented Aveeno (dark green label and top) or After Inked Aftercare Moisturizer (for purchase at the studio.)
Or you may also use our Long Live Tattoos 25toLife Tattoo Lotion.

·         Do not let the tattoo dry out, and only apply as needed (2-3 x daily)



·         Do not share aftercare products

·         Do not pick, scratch, itch or pull skin off your healing tattoo

·         Do not use Polysporin, harsh chemicals, exposure to the sun, tanning beds, pet claws and saliva, pools and lakes while healing your tattoo.



·         Moisturize it

·         Clean it

·         Come back and see us soon

·         Tell your friends about our studio

·         Review us on Google